
Sanctions for Vueling, investments for Fiumnicino

ENAC president Riggio assured that the Spanish company will have to pay "significant pecuniary penalties" - Delrio: "There has been a paralysis of airport development in the last 20 years" but now "AdR is accelerating"

Sanctions for Vueling, investments for Fiumnicino

For the Spanish company Vueling, "significant and heavy pecuniary sanctions envisaged by the European regulation and commensurate with the damages to passengers" are on the way. The president of Enac, Vito Riggio said today. Vueling has struggled to get back on track after the fire in the Focene pine forest that caused so much inconvenience to users of Fiumicino airport and air traffic last week. In the crosshairs of the supervisory body, among other things, the lack of information, the failure to re-protect passengers and the absence of Vueling managers to manage the inconvenience.

Riggio took part in a meeting on the Roman airport today with the Ministry of Transport. Minister Graziano Delrio then said in a briefing to the Senate that “there has been a paralysis of airport development in the last 20 years. An acceleration of investments at Fiumicino is needed to fill the structural deficit of an international hub that moves over 40 million people a year. We pay for lost time: Adr has undertaken to recover not only the infrastructural gap but also to make those investments to improve reception and safety at the Roman airport. There is a tremendous increase in investment that has been planned to meet the delay. Compared to forecasts, there is an increase of over 135 million” in the five-year period, which will bring investments to 1 billion and 100 million.
