
Healthcare, simplifications: towards electronic medical record

The amendment of the Democratic Party approved today in committee in the Chamber prescribes that in national and regional health plans "the electronic management of clinical practices should be privileged" through the use of electronic medical records, as well as electronic booking systems for 'access to facilities by citizens'.

Healthcare, simplifications: towards electronic medical record

The Italian healthcare is traveling towards important changes: electronic health records, electronic reservation systems, telemedicine. It won't be an immediate revolution, but it goes in this direction the amendment of the Democratic Party to the simplification decree approved today by the Constitutional Affairs and Productive Activities committees of the Chamber.

The text limits itself to prescribing that in national and regional health plans "the electronic management of clinical practices should be privileged" through the use of the electronic medical record, as well as the electronic booking systems for access to the structures by of citizens".

A decree from the Ministry of Health "promotes" the use of "mobile devices in the health sector which can be used for the collection of clinical data, the dissemination of information to doctors, researchers and patients and for the direct offer of treatments through mobile telemedicine”.

Finally, to standardize access to information relating to the health status of citizens throughout the country, "criteria are established to ensure the interoperability of information systems".
