
Healthcare, doctors arrive 24 hours a day

With the Balduzzi decree approved yesterday in the Chamber, the territorial organization of primary health care changes radically: clinics are open all day every day, including days before holidays and holidays.

Healthcare, doctors arrive 24 hours a day

The world of family doctors is revolutionized: white coats become 24 hours a day. This is one of the fundamental innovations introduced by the new health reform, the decree signed by Minister Renato Balduzzi approved yesterday in the House in first reading and now under consideration by the Senate. Territorial primary care is reorganized with single-professional organizational forms called “territorial functional aggregations”.

These structures will be defined by the Regions, which will have to favor the establishment of networks of territorial polyclinics equipped with basic equipment. Centers that will remain open seamlessly: all day every day, including pre-holidays and holidays. The agreed staff will be made up of general practitioners, paediatricians of free choice and outpatient specialists.

“I am satisfied because the work done was appreciated – commented Balduzzi after the approval of the provision in Montecitorio -, not only by the ministry but also by the parliamentary commission. There was broad consensus and the debate in the Chamber was very thorough, with almost a thousand amendments in the Commission and 350 in the Chamber which were not discussed due to time constraints”. 
