
Saving the Earth: Cingolani and Giansoldati at MAXXI

On the occasion of the Amazonia exhibition by Sebastiao Salgado, two meetings to talk about the human condition, the environment and the management of climate change with the two protagonists and with Giovanna Melandri

Saving the Earth: Cingolani and Giansoldati at MAXXI

Save the Earth, reduce CO2 emissions, protect the Amazon. Inspiring reflection on ecology, environment and climate is the exhibition of Sebastiao Salgado – Amazonia, precisely, at the MAXXI in Rome until 13 February 2022. With two different and complementary observation points: Tuesday afternoon, at 18 pm, the theme of man and nature, the spirit and creation will be addressed with the book by France Giansoldati “Guardians of creation. Saving the Earth with Laudato Sì” (free admission).

The next day, Wednesday 27 October, appointment at 18 with the Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani for a conversation with Giovanna Melandri, president of the Maxxi Foundation, "focused on the will and projects aimed at addressing the issue of climate change". Faced with a burning world, it is the title that forms the backdrop to the meeting, what can those who hold the levers to decide do? With what constraints? And what costs? Questions that Cingolani has very clear in front of him and that he will have to solve with the implementation of the energy transition and the recovery and resilience plan entrusted to him by Prime Minister Mario Draghi.

Melandri will also participate in the presentation of the book by Franca Giansoldati, Vatican correspondent of the Messaggero, which deals with the theme of integral ecology proposed by Pope francesco. Will discuss it with Father Enzo Fortunato, Conventual Franciscan as well as journalist and writer. The vision is that of a complete and supportive dimension for life in its various articulations. Which is also pushing ecclesial communities towards viable solutions to deal with environmental and social emergencies: energy communities, zero emissions, to begin with. But also behaviors that push finance to direct resources towards sustainable activities or, for example, not contaminated by social scourges such as those of illegal hiring. The theme is very broad and could set in motion significant changes.
