
Salute: the app switches to the French Doctolib

The platform that allows you to find doctors in the area and book services was acquired by the similar transalpine app Doctolib, which will invest 250 million in Italy

Salute: the app switches to the French Doctolib, the platform founded in 2013 to facilitate the meeting between demand and supply of health services, it passes into French hands. The operation was unveiled by the transalpine newspaper Les Echos: Doctolib, a similar platform also launched 8 years ago and which had entered the German market in 2016, has acquired for an amount that has not yet been made official. The Italian app, which has increasingly become a point of reference during the pandemic, allows patients to locate the doctor closest to their location and according to their needs, and to book a visit.

The site matters 25.000 diaries of medical specialists who have joined and it is possible to connect and book services 24 hours a day, as well as obtain a video consultation. 24% of patients say they are satisfied with this formula, which especially helps those who are outside their home or who don't want to waste time on phone calls or at the counters. A business destined to grow with the new needs dictated by the pandemic and for this very reason the French of Doctolib plan to invest 90 million euros in Italy and to hire 250 people. Currently, the team consists of about thirty people and is led by the CEO Angela Maria Avino. The headquarters are in Milan.
