
Skip the Pd-Movimento 5 Stelle meeting on the electoral law

M5S certainly gave the top, but the bench is skipped because the Pd, after proposing 10 points to the pentastellati to discuss, demands from the grillini a formal and written response as a basis on which to set up the debate – The openings arrived in words in the last days were not enough for the Democrats.

Skip the Pd-Movimento 5 Stelle meeting on the electoral law

Skip the meeting between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement scheduled for this afternoon in the Chamber. This was written by Roberto Speranza, democratic group leader in Montecitorio, in a letter to the Speaker of the Chamber Laura Boldrini. 

“Dear president – ​​reads the text – I am writing to inform you that today's scheduled meeting between the delegation of the Democratic Party and the M5S will not be held. The Democratic Party considers this confrontation very serious and important for the democratic debate in our country and to give more strength to the path of reforms. Precisely for these reasons we believe it is essential that this comparison can only take place after formal answers have been received to the questions indicated in recent days by the Democratic Party ".

This morning Luigi Di Maio, deputy grillino and vice president of the Chamber, had written on Facebook the time and place of the appointment: “Today I, Danilo Toninelli, Paola Carinelli and Maurizio Buccarella will meet the Democratic Party for the decisive meeting on the Electoral Law. 15 pm, Sala del Cavaliere, Chamber of Deputies”. Beppe Grillo had added on his blog that the meeting would be broadcast "in streaming on La Cosa".

M5S therefore gave the summit for sure, but in the end the bench jumped because the Pd - after proposing 10 points to the pentastellati to discuss - demands a formal and written response from the grillini as a basis on which to set up the debate. The openings that arrived in the last few days from the grillini (yes to 8 of the 10 proposals from the Democratic Party), were therefore not enough for the Democrats.
