
Salini seeks glory in Ethiopia to produce energy

After obtaining the contract to build the largest dam in Africa, Salini Impregilo is looking for new investment opportunities in Ethiopia.

Salini seeks glory in Ethiopia to produce energy

Ethiopia continues to be a strategic point of reference for Salini Impregilo. After the construction of the three Gibe Dam, the company seeks new investment opportunities in the African country. "We are looking at all the opportunities in Ethiopia for the development of energy production, among the hypotheses there are all the rivers available", confirmed the CEO, Pietro Salini, on the sidelines of the Italian Infrastructure Day.

The CEO also called for the arrival of new orders, even outside the Ethiopian borders,” we work in 55 countries, Ethiopia is important but it is one of many countries”.

However, we recall that on 23 March Salini was awarded the contract for the construction of the largest dam in all of Africa, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, a work 1,8 kilometers long, 170 meters high and with a total volume of 10 million cubic meters, located right within the borders of Ethiopia. A project worth 3,37 billion euros.

Piazza Affari's investors seem to have liked Pietro Salini's words. The stock is currently gaining 4,44% to €3,62. 
