
Imu balance, the new rates cost 5 billion more

The decision of the Municipalities to raise the rates on first and second homes causes the final tax bill to soar - On average, the heaviest increase in inflation is recorded in the regions of the Center (+65,3%), followed by those of the South (+ 63,8%) and the North (+44,2%) – The real sting, as expected, will come to second homes.

Imu balance, the new rates cost 5 billion more

The new IMU rates will cost the Italians five billion euros more. According to calculations by Il Sole 24 Ore, the total account balance (including adjustment on the first installment) will rise to quota 23 billion, while with the basic thresholds applied for the advance, it would have slightly exceeded 18 billion. 

The first installment of the new tax yielded 1.680 million to public coffers first houses, while the balance will reach 2.660 million (+58,3%). The real sting will come though on second homes, from which the State will receive 3.860 million, against 2.330 in June (+65,7%). The increase on the rental housing instead it will be 41%, from 750 to 1.060 million. Overall, excluding agricultural land and building areas, between the June and December installments the Imu bill will rise from 9.130 ​​to 14.040 million (+53,8%).

On average the heaviest increase is recorded in the central regions (+65,3%), followed by those of South (+63,8%) and del North part (+44,2%). However, most of the total revenue will come from the north, where most of the properties and taxpayers are concentrated. 

That the real sting of the IMU would come with the second installment, on closer inspection, was largely predictable. The rates The standards used for the June down payment were 0,4% on first homes and 0,76% on other properties (second homes - including those abroad -, rented homes, building areas, agricultural land). The possible fluctuations at the discretion of the statutory auditors were respectively 0,2% and 0,3%. 

On the second home, however, 0,38% will still go to the State: local administrations have therefore raised the rate in order to obtain a substantial revenue to keep in cash.

For deadlines, the Treasury has not granted any deferment on balance paymentwhich must be done by 17 December. On the other hand, the deadline for submitting the Imu declaration has been postponed to February 4, which however concerns a small part of taxpayers. 

To find out where and how the Imu is paid, click here.  
