
Minimum wage of 7 euros per hour for those without a contract

The rule on the minimum wage should be included in the decrees implementing the labor reform - The bar should be set between 6,5 and 7 euros per hour but there are risks of circumventing the rule

Minimum wage of 7 euros per hour for those without a contract

Il Government would be working to insert the standard of minimum salary within one of the next implementing decrees of Jobs Act. Corriere della Sera reported it this morning, explaining that the quota should be between 6,50 and 7 euros per hour.

To which sectors could the minimum wage apply?

Il guaranteed minimum wage, being studied by the Renzi executive, could be applied to all those sectors that are not currently regulated by a national contract of category. Also, the idea would be to put the minimum wage within the collaboration agreements, pending their overcoming once the labor reform is fully implemented.

Italy it is one of the few countries in Europe that does not yet have a minimum wage regulation. The lighthouse, for a change, is there Germany. In the shadow of the Brandenburg Gate, the threshold of 8,50 euros per hour has been set. In France it has existed since the 50s, it is called Smic, it exceeds 1400 euros gross and also provides for an annual adjustment to the growth in the cost of living.

Of course you will have to deal with the needs of individual companies. In Germany, for example, many entrepreneurs have already found the "countermoves". In fact, the cases in which employees work many hours more than those officially registered have grown (the minimum threshold set in Germany is considered high by many entrepreneurs). The worker, for fear of not losing his job, accepts this imposition against his will.

On the other hand, the introduction of a minimum threshold in Italy it represents one step forward as a point of reference for individual contracts, especially in the future perspective of a downsizing of collective bargaining to the benefit of the national one, according to the model that Sergio Marchionne is already implementing at Fiat.
