
Saipem tries to rebound (+4%) after yesterday's collapse

After dropping 13% on rumors of a possible capital increase, Saipem shares gain over 4% at the start

Saipem tries to rebound (+4%) after yesterday's collapse

After yesterday's crash, there was a strong rebound in the morning for the Saipem title which at 10 earns the 4,29%.

Yesterday the shares of Saipem suffered a drastic drop in Piazza Affari (-13,58%) falling to 10,25 euros after the group did not deny the hypothesis of the capital increase among the possible options for refinancing the business. "With reference to press reports on possible transactions involving Saipem's capital - reads the press release issued by the group - at the request of Consob, the company informs that, in the interest of all shareholders, it has been evaluating various refinancing options to support the industrial strategy, also with a view to direct recourse to the market. At the moment none of these financial options is under the attention of the Board of Directors”. 

After the double-digit decline recorded yesterday the Consob decided for today's session to ban short selling of Saipem stock.

The prohibition – adopted in application of article 23 of the Community regulation on 'short selling' – regards short selling assisted by the availability of securities. 
