
Sacconi: guaranteed funds for social shock absorbers

The Minister of Labour, at the end of a hearing in the Chamber, also commented on the decision of the Court to close the ministries at Villa Reale. "Labour jurisprudence is another anomaly in this country, today fortunately downsized, but creative skills are still emerging which certainly do not help the evolution of our market".

Sacconi: guaranteed funds for social shock absorbers

A jurisprudence that has represented "an anomaly" weighs and has weighed on work. A general opinion, that of the Minister of Labor Maurizio Sacconi, who however takes his cue from the sentence of the Rome Labor Court which canceled the offices of the ministries in Monza accepting the appeal of some unions.

"Labour jurisprudence has long been another anomaly of this country, today fortunately downsized, but creative capacities are still emerging which certainly do not help the evolution of our labor market". argues the holder of the Ministry of Labour, commenting - at the end of a hearing in the commission in the Chamber - the decision of the Court which effectively closes the ministries at Villa Reale wanted by the league this summer. Sacconi explains that by “creative ability we mean a very questionable interpretation”.

Addressing employment issues more generally, Sacconi guarantees that "social safety nets will also be ensured for next year", confirming the government's intention to finance mobile workers for next year as well. In any case he - he adds - in addition to shock absorbers in Italy should be applied the law which provides for the obligation to accept a new job if appropriate. “All workers who have received the subsidy by law – he explains – are obliged to accept a new job offer if it is congruous. In Italy there is this law which provides for it but it is not applied”.

The minister then says he is against the so-called guaranteed salary. ”The guaranteed salary – he underlines – goes against history for what it costs and for what it means, that is, the lack of promptness of the person's responsibility in looking for a job. Regardless, wages are an institution that fortunately no social actor has ever asked for”.

There was also a critical reference to the "disarticulation between Regions and Provinces in the labor market". Sacconi recalls that the Regions complain of a lack of coordination with the Provinces, which have been assigned the responsibility of the employment centres. And therefore for the minister we must try "to recover this prerogative of the Regions".

Finally, two themes: Saturday's devastation in Rome, and the Fiat situation. The first question: Rome "has been injured and has the right to a period of respite", says Sacconi also with reference to the decision of the Rome police headquarters not to authorize the Fiom procession scheduled for Friday. And on the hypothesis of a guarantee from the organizers of the demonstrations, put forward by Minister Maroni, “ways must be found to prevent situations like the one that occurred on Saturday. One cannot passively accept a drift” of this kind. As for Fiat, "what I understand is that it has confirmed its commitment in Italy, and this in a difficult moment, thanks to the responsible trade unions and the workers who have encouraged this path with courage".

And he concludes: Fiat is committed to our country, "so far denying the prophets of doom".
