
Saccomanni: fight against tax evasion cannot be slowed down

Fabrizio Saccomanni, Minister of the Economy, during his speech at the Tax Police School of the Guardia di Finanza, underlined how the fight against tax evasion cannot be slowed down since "it distorts inequalities between companies, increases the tax burden for taxpayers and exacerbates inequalities”.

Saccomanni: fight against tax evasion cannot be slowed down

“The fight against tax evasion absolutely cannot be slowed down”. The Economy Minister said, Fabrizio Saccomanni, speaking at the end of the academic year of the Tax Police School of the Guardia di Finanza. "But - the minister clarified - it can and must take into account the needs of taxpayers in difficulty and it is in this sense that the measures adopted with the 'decree of doing' must be interpreted in line with the recommendations expressed unanimously by the Commission House Finance".

The Economy Minister underlined that thetax evasion "it distorts competition between companies, increases the tax burden for honest taxpayers and exacerbates inequalities".

Saccomanni specified that today the fight against tax evasion needs answers at an international level. “For the fight against tax evasion and avoidance to be effective in the globalized economy, it cannot be limited to domestic unilateral contrast measures; internationally coordinated responses are needed”.

Finally, during his speech, Saccomanni recalled how the effort to consolidate the state budgets remains one of the government's priorities.
