
Saccomanni: GDP growth of 2% in 2017

SAVINGS DAY – On the tax side, Saccomanni revealed that the spending review will allow for a greater drop in the tax burden than that currently indicated in the planning framework, to around 43% in 2016", and that "wider spending savings than those expected would allow a further acceleration of the process”.

Saccomanni: GDP growth of 2% in 2017

The growth of the Italian GDP, which in 2014 should be 1,1%, "will reach even higher levels starting from 2015, and should reach around 2% in 2017". This was stated by Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni, speaking at the celebrations for World Savings Day. However, the number one of the treasury specified that "until the public debt begins to decrease significantly, the Italian economy will not be able to grow significantly again".

On the tax side, Saccomanni revealed that the spending review “will allow for a decrease in the tax burden greater than that currently indicated in the planning framework, at around 43% in 2016”, and that “larger spending savings than expected would allow for a further acceleration of the process”. At the moment, however, "there are no simple solutions for finding additional resources to grant wider tax relief", reiterated the minister.

“Italy has what it takes to engage this recovery phase and fully reap the benefits in terms of growth and employment – ​​continued Saccomanni -. We must all ensure that this opportunity is not lost in a climate of persistence political instability".

as to stability Law launched by the government and currently being examined by Parliament, the minister believes that the "considered comments" of the Court of Auditors, the Bank of Italy and Istat "are pertinent", but "do not invalidate the structure of the economic policy manoeuvre". For Saccomanni these are "completely marginal" criticisms. 
