
Files scrapping: clash on the quickdraw, stalled manoeuvre

Lega, Forza Italia and M5S want the terms of the scrapping ter to be postponed and Salvini goes so far as to ask for scrapping quater, while Pd and Leu oppose – Without a compromise, he risks skipping even the agreement in principle on the rest of the maneuver

Files scrapping: clash on the quickdraw, stalled manoeuvre

La maneuver risks stalemate due to the clash between the parties on the tax assessments. This is the most controversial issue of the maxi-amendment on taxation and bills that the Government should have presented yesterday in the Senate, but which is still in hiding. The problem is not technical, but political: Alloy, Forza Italy e Movement 5 Stars ask to lengthen the time of the scrapping ter and the balance of the balance, just expired (indeed: Matteo Salvini went so far as to propose one scrapping quat for the years 2018 and 2019), while Democratic Party e Leo they oppose.

The forzisti even threaten to reject the budget law: "We will not support the maneuver if there is no postponement of the folders", said Antonio Tajani a few days ago. An unwelcome warning from the Pd, which says it does not want to give in to "political blackmail" and asks to rethink the entire fiscal chapter of the maneuver.

As a compromise, the Government has proposed to extend the payment of the folders to 180 days from notification (from 60 ordinary), but only for the acts of first quarter 2022. A solution, however, judged insufficient by Lega and Movimento 5 Stelle.

Someone will have to give in to reach a synthesis, considering that - at this point - reopening the entire construction site of the maneuver would be dangerous for everyone. Based on the current roadmap, which provides for a simple ratification by the Chamber, the approval of the budget law should arrive between Christmas and New Year's. Further delays, therefore, would risk postpone the green light to 2022, with automatic entry into provisional operation. Not a good result to present in Brussels, which should be sent to Italy between January and February the first installment of aid connected to the Nex Generation Eu program (24 billion euros, to be added to the 24,9 received as an advance in August).

It is therefore probable that, in the end, the tug of war over the tax bills will result in an agreement in extremis. If this were not the case, the general agreement reached on the other central points of the maneuver would also risk skipping:

  • the 8 billion tax cut to be distributed between Irpef, Irap and tax relief on low incomes;
  • the 3,8 billion intervention to mitigate the rise in electricity and gas bills;
  • the extension of the Superbonus 110% without any Isee roof for single-family houses;
  • the Salva-Comuni standard (also known as "save-Naples") to help administrations in a state of financial distress.
  • the additional 200 million for schools (170 million from the government plus another 30 million from Parliament) to be used also to increase teachers' salaries by 100 euros.
