The trade unions decide to mobilize against a "recessive" budget law e Saturday 9 February they take to the streets to protest together against the Maneuver. THEThe fact, rather sensational, is that in the square, in addition to the trade unions and workers, there will also be industrialists from Confindustria Romagna to protest against the ban on drilling decided by the Government.
The demonstration was called by the three largest trade unions in the country – CGIL, CISL and UIL – in order to solicit a discussion with the Government on a budget law which "has left unresolved many fundamental questions for the development of the country, starting from the issues of work, pensions, taxation, infrastructure investments, policies for young people, for women and for the South", write the trade unions in a joint note.
That their judgment on the Maneuver was strongly negative has been known for months. The participation of the industrialists in the day of protest was less obvious. Lor does "to contest the policies adopted by the Government in the Simplifications Decree" and in particular the stop to the drilling: an "industrial suicide", he says the president of Confindustria Romagna, Paolo Maggioli; “No embarrassment” to support the unions: “It is at this stage absolutely important to be united, to defend growth and work together. It seems absolutely appropriate to participate in an initiative like this".
None of the main union leaders spared criticism of the main measures of the law, above all basic income. But what the CGIL, CISL and UIL complain is also the absence of a real confrontation, repeatedly requested and always rejected by the Government, despite the guarantees provided by Premier Giuseppe Conte.
"Cgil, Cisl, Uil positively evaluate the mobilization process carried out in recent months in support of the unitary platform" and the consent of thousands of workers, pensioners and young people to the proposals of the three trade unions "was almost unanimous", reads the note , recalling the "document delivered last December to the Prime Minister who had undertaken to give continuity to the discussion, which never took place, on some chapters indicated by the union".
But something obviously went wrong. "We are very disappointed and worried by the economic and social measures announced by the Conte Government. – writes the general secretary of the Cisl, Annamaria Furlan to the members – “The winds of the recession are upon us again throughout Europe and also in Italy there are negative signals, with many companies that risk closing, many national and local disputes open, with a continuous decline in stable employment and industrial production”.
“This should have been the moment for clear-cut, more equitable, concrete decisions, after so many years of enormous sacrifices made by Italian families to definitively get out of the crisis. And instead there is a well-founded risk of lower growth, of an increase in the gap between North and South and of social inequalities, moreover with a mortgage of no less than 52 billion on the pockets of Italians to make ends meet in the forthcoming laws of budget”, continues the trade unionist asking workers and pensioners to participate en masse in the demonstration on 9 February.
Given the broken promises, the unions go down in the square shouting #FuturoalLavoro. A large participation from all over Italy is expected. For this reason, the final rallies of the event - which will start at 9 from Piazza della Repubblica - will take place in Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano and not in Piazza del Popolo. Around 11, the final speeches of the general secretaries Maurizio Landini (Cgil), Annamaria Furlan (Cisl) and Carmelo Barbagallo (Uil).
Updated at 20:53pm on Friday February 8, 2019