
Rome, Grillini own goal: no to Metro C, yes to street vendor clans

The Raggi junta continues to wrap itself in its contradictions: it has decided to stop the construction of Metro C in exchange for a vague tram development project, to the delight (!) of city traffic - In reality, major works scare the Grillini who they block everything – In the name of opposition to the Bolkestein directive, the extension of the licenses without competition for street vendors has started, to the great satisfaction of the Tredicine clan

Rome, Grillini own goal: no to Metro C, yes to street vendor clans

The Metro no but the clans yes. The method of government of Rome's Giunta grillina is nothing short of paradoxical which, divided as it is internally, has done very little in a few months to pull the capital out of the swamp of waste and public transport, but on the other hand it does not lack amaze the city with its shower of Nos but also with some yeses that strengthen the street vendors' clans and leave the citizens amazed.

Yesterday the Giunta Raggi placed the tombstone on Metro C and liquidated the company created ad hoc "because in recent years it has not done its job as it should". At risk there are 200 jobs that have already alarmed the trade unions. Is it right to erase waste but couldn't you change the top management instead of dissolving the company? In reality, as we had already seen with the NO at the Olympics and with the antipathy for the EUR Cloud, it is the great works that terrify the grillini who, instead of trying to carry them out with the utmost transparency and honesty, prefer block everything and condemn the city to immobilism.

As an alternative to the Metro C project, the Capitol would now like to focus on the development of trams but with ideas that are very vague and which risk taking a long time before arriving at results that are really worth streamlining an often unsustainable traffic.

But the M5S gave the worst of itself by approving a motion in the City Council that extends to 2020 the licenses without competition of the street vendors who occupy public land, among which the clan of the controversial Tredicine family dominates, already investigated in the context of the investigation on Mafia Capital. The reason is that the grillini have always viewed and view the Bolkestein directive with a bad eye, which also brings competition and transparency to public services.

The result of the 5 Star Movement's move is that the jungle of street vendors will continue, who with their stalls have often reduced the streets and squares of the capital to real souks and who compete unfairly with traders who pay top taxes and top rents. Thirteen thanks and celebrates. The Romans a little less.
