
Rome, Summer Solstice for those who want to offer music in the city

Wednesday 21 June Rome celebrates music. From 18.00 to 24.00 everyone will be able to play in the city and celebrate the summer solstice together.

Rome, Summer Solstice for those who want to offer music in the city

There is time until midnight on June 19 to report the initiatives by completing the application form and collaborate to organize events in neighborhoods, parks, courtyards and streets throughout the city. 

In its 32nd European edition, the Capital kicks off an entirely new Music Festival promoted by the Department of Cultural Growth together with the Cultural Activities Department of Rome Capital in collaboration with MiBACT, SIAE and ATAC SpA and Roma Servizi per la Mobilità e with the communication of Zètema Progetto Cultura. In fact, in addition to the adhesion of public and private bodies and institutions, the novelty of this year is that for the first time citizens will have the opportunity to make music in the city, to transform the most rhythmic festival of the year into an important occasion for participation and collaboration. A busy calendar of events organized by academies, embassies, libraries, senior citizens centres, schools, prisons, bookshops, theatres, cultural institutes, hospitals, sports centers and clubs, professional and amateur musicians is on the programme.

In this way Rome welcomes and strengthens the spirit of the first Festival launched in France in 1982 by the then Minister of Culture Jack Lang: allowing music to invade all the streets of the city, from the suburbs to the center and be both an occasion and a vehicle for human relations .


Participating is simple. Consulting the site it is possible to join with one's own initiative (by 23 pm on 59 June) and, according to geographical criteria, time slots and keywords, consult the constantly updated program of exhibitions. 

You can exhibit outdoors, in public areas of the city, as well as in private spaces by agreement with the managers or administrators. For performances on the street or in open public places, portable supports of modest dimensions may be used for amplification without prior authorization request.

By joining the Rome Music Festival by registering on the official website, you can take advantage of the agreement stipulated by the MIBACT with the SIAE which provides for discounted rates for those who play (from €5 for music played in the street by small groups to 149 € for events with more than 500 people). The simplification of the mechanism for participation in the event also provides for facilitation of the methods of payment of these fees: just go to one of the SIAE branches in the area with the participation form for the event, report the initiative and the songs sung and played, for then pay your fee (

Jam Stations are available in some museums and public spaces such as the Modern Art Gallery in via Francesco Crispi, the Pietro Canonica Museum in Villa Borghese, the Museum of the Roman Republic and Garibaldi Memory, Casal de Pazzi – and public spaces such as 6 stops of the Metro – Anagnina, Cavour, Cipro, Termini, Pigneto, Repubblica – where, bringing your own equipment, you can create your own performance. By following the instructions on the site, you can sign up to play in a Jam Station.

Two kits are available to participants: a digital one which can be downloaded from the website, the other – “Io Suono” – which can be collected from 58 points indicated on the portal where participants will find a pin, sticker and paper poster to be used during the Festival.


From classical music to reggae, from electronica to pop, there are already many adhesions of private citizens collected through the site. From the rock newsstand that will perform in Montesacro with the band made up of six friends, to the show with oriental and popular music and dance that will take place in Piazza Navona, from the singer-songwriters on via del Corso, to the very young piano player who will perform in the Piazza Balsamo Crivelli, from the neighborhood bands that will take turns in the Casalotti/Gattico Elderly Center to the acoustic trio in via Livorno. The live shows of five emerging bands who have joined through social networks will take place in the Museums. Those who live in the city will become the protagonist and at the same time spectator of concerts such as the "reverse serenade" in the historic center of Rome, such as the band of young elderly people who will play in the squares furthest from the center and dance with their grandchildren. We will be able to applaud 70 young Roman and Campania students who will play in Piazza del Campidoglio like the band of condominium administrators, or that of doctors and patients, the group of journalists, and that of professors and students.

From our website music festival rome times and places can be consulted with a constantly updated programme.
