
Rome, Raggi arrived in trouble: resignation of head of cabinet and budget assessor

After a negative opinion from the Anac, the Capitol had decided to revoke the appointment of the head of cabinet Raineri, who anticipated the measure by resigning - A step back also from the commissioner Minenna, who had fought in vain to review the salaries of the mayor's staff – The leaders of Atac and Ama are also leaving

Rome, Raggi arrived in trouble: resignation of head of cabinet and budget assessor

After weeks of high tension, the first institutional problems arrive for the Raggi council of the Municipality of Rome. The Chief of Staff Carla Raineri, already at the center of controversy for his salary of 193 thousand euros a year, e the councilor for the budget Marcello Minenna resigned yesterday. The announcement of Raineri's revocation, decided by mayor Virginia Raggi, appeared on Facebook at 5 in the morning, while Minenna's step back was announced by Ansa.

"Transparency. It is one of the values ​​that distinguishes us and that we pursue – explained the first citizen in a post published during the night -. For this reason we have decided to seek an opinion from Anac, theNational Anti-Corruption Authority, on all the appointments made so far by the Giunta. A request to ensure maximum transparency: the 'palace' must be made of glass: all citizens must be able to see what is happening inside. This is the M5S”.

In the light of two conflicting opinions, "we turned to the Anac - continued Raggi - which, having examined the papers, declared that the appointment of Dr. Carla Romana Raineri the head of the Cabinet needed to be reviewed as 'the correct regulatory source to refer to is article 90 Tuel (Consolidated law on local authorities, ed)' and the application to the case in question 'of article 110 Tuel is to be considered improper '. We take note of it. Consequently, the revocation order will be prepared". The person concerned, however, explained to Ansa that she had already tendered her resignation yesterday.

In detail, article 90 of the Tuel establishes that, for the personnel employed in the support offices of the political management bodies, "it remains the ban on carrying out management activities even if in the individual employment contract the economic treatment, regardless of the possession of the educational qualification, is parameterized to the managerial one". Instead, Raineri was hired with a management contract (see article 110 of the Tuel) which allowed management activities.

E Minenna? The now former councilor had fought to review the too high salaries of the staff, especially that of the head secretary Salvatore Romeo, but his advice was not accepted by the mayor. Eventually, therefore, came the resignation.

“I respect the work of the mayor – commented the premier Matteo Renzi to the microphones of Rtl -, she won, her honors and duties, I don't say anything about the team, whoever wins has the responsibility and the duty to govern ".

The Prime Minister also returned to Rome's candidacy for the 2024 Games: "The Olympic Games they are a wonderful thing. They allow for an investment in the future of cities. I would have no doubts. Either yes or no. If Raggi doesn't sign the letter, Rome is out. My impression is that we are in the lead right now. Saying no to the Olympics would be a very sad act. I hope that the mayor Raggi will continue on what we have already decided at an institutional level, but if she says no we will take note of it. Let the Five Stars choose what to do, it's up to them. I will not carry out detrimental acts on the autonomy of Rome or other cities: if he says no, it will mean that in the future we will nominate other cities”.


They also resigned during the day the general manager of Atac, Marco Rettighieri, e the sole administrator from the same company, Armando Brandolese. A few days ago Rettighieri had sent a letter to the Councilor for Mobility Linda Meleo in which he disputed the disclosed figures relating to the metro A trains circulating by mid-September, also explaining that the 18 million allocated by the Raggi junta "are not yet available because no wire transfer was carried out by Roma Capitale towards Atac”.

Just yesterday the general director had increased the dose: "I think I'm leaving, there are no conditions, what would be the point of continuing?". Then adding: “I am a technician, not a politician. Technicians must be able to act within a clear, broad and free mandate”. The response from the Capitol is harsh, with Meleo having replied: "Tell us if you trust him in this administration".

And that's not all: they also arrived in the early afternoon the resignation of the president of Ama Alessandro Solidoro. In a note, the administrator of the Roman subsidiary, appointed only a few weeks ago, communicated that, after the farewell of the councilor for the budget Marcello Minenna, "he considered the conditions for the task entrusted to him no longer fulfilled".
