
Rome: here are the new Raggi councilors

The appointments of Andrea Mazzillo to the Budget and Massimo Colomban to the Participates arrive – The first has a past in the Ostia Pd (which is already creating tensions in the Movement), while the second is an industrialist and founder of a listed company.

Rome: here are the new Raggi councilors

The Municipality of Rome has two new councilors: Andrea Mazzillo at the Budget e Massimo Colomban to the Participates. The rumors circulated in the morning were confirmed in the early afternoon by an official note: "The mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi has chosen Andrea Mazzillo as the new councilor for the budget", writes the Campidoglio.

“We have important challenges ahead of us and Mazzillo's contribution will be invaluable given his experience in local finance – Ray comments – An important contribution also because he coordinated the drafting of the M5s program for Rome elaborated with activists and citizens. Mazzillo is leading a team of technicians and professionals that we have built up over the past few weeks. I asked Mazzillo to fill the position in addition not only for his skills and technical experience but also to affirm that the Movement puts its most qualified militants in the field ".

Mazzillo, in addition to being an accountant expert in local finance and professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, he is also the coordinator of the Raggi staff and in recent months has overseen the fundraising for his electoral campaign. Before joining the ranks of the 5-star Movement, however, Mazzillo had run as a candidate in the primaries for the regional secretariat of the Democratic Party, supporting Nicola Zingaretti, in constituency 16, with the list "With Veltroni, environment, innovation, work for Zingaretti".

“I am available to the administration – Mazzillo said in a note -. As soon as possible I will present a program for the next quarter, shared with city councilors, Town Halls and the competent Capitoline commission. We have also been working together with the Accounting offices for weeks. I can anticipate that the technical adjustment of the budget is already being made, tracing all the necessary economies. At the same time, the work that will lead to the preparation of the next estimated budget will begin immediately”.

Until 2007 Mazzillo had been close to Alessandro Onorato, who later became coordinator of Alfio Marchini's movement. Mazzillo was also a candidate with the Civic List for Veltroni in Ostia, in the then XIII Municipality (today it is the X): he was the first of the non-elected and was later appointed municipal coordinator of the list.

According to rumors, Mazzillo's past in the Ostia Democratic Party is already generating tensions in the Movement. Adnkronos writes that the group leader of the M5S in the city council Paolo Ferrara would have been furious.

Massimo Colomban instead he comes from the entrepreneurial world (he founded Permasteelisa, a construction company listed on the Milan Stock Exchange), he is from the Veneto region and is very close to Casaleggio associati: a relationship demonstrated by some facts dating back to a couple of years ago, when Colomban, together to Arturo Artom, he founded Confapri a network of entrepreneurs, which over the years has had very close contacts with the grillino world above all through the Think Tank Group, the think tank of Confapri of which Grillo and Casaleggio are also founders.
