Enel and the State Police jointly presented a road safety project. The initiative, recalls the company, falls within the scope of the Protocol signed in March to contain accidents, which currently represent one of the main causes of accidents at work.
“Given the success of the first edition of the project, launched in 2016 by Enel Green Power, which involved around 2.000 employees – explains Enel – it was decided to extend the program to all Group companies operating in the country and which for the first time they participate together in an awareness-raising activity for the prevention of road accidents”. More than 34 Enel employees took part in the 5 road safety meetings held in the first 16 months in 70 Italian regions and around 3.500 provinces.
The second part of the programme, from September to October, includes 19 seminars in which around 2.000 Enel employees will take part, and will conclude in June 2018. The activities of the road safety cycle concern the areas of communication, training and information for the prevention of road accidents.
In 2016, according to the latest Istat publication, 175.791 road accidents were recorded in Italy, causing 3.283 deaths (with 145 fewer victims than in 2015, equal to a decrease of 4,2%) and 249.175 injuries. In the first eight months of 2017 (period 1 January - 31 August), an analysis of road accidents detected by the State Police and the Carabinieri Corps shows an increase in fatal accidents and victims respectively of 1,9% and by 3,2%, compared to the same period of 2016 (1.059 fatal accidents recorded, with 1.160 victims).
"Sector studies identify distraction, haste, tiredness, inadequate assessment of environmental, road and psychophysical conditions as causes of accidents - underlines Enel - A fact that deserves even more attention if we consider that the car is not only a means of transport home-work but, in the case of technicians operating in the area, it becomes the workplace itself".
The agreement between Enel and the State Police, in addition to training and awareness-raising interventions, also provides for: an exchange of data on the accident phenomenon and analysis of statistics relating to accidents on the roads, especially with regard to those connected to work and travel from home to Work; a comparison aimed at improving the detection of accident data relating to accidents on the roads and mutual collaboration for research activities aimed at experimenting with new technological solutions and innovative methodologies for preventing the risk of accidents, considering the high number of company vehicles used and kilometers traveled daily by Enel employees.