
Revolt in Parliament by PDL lawyers, doctors and notaries against the liberalization of the Orders

58 signatures collected from PDL MPs to ask for the law to be abolished. The 'rioters' say they are ready to bring down Tremonti. And La Russa also intervenes in their support.

Revolt in Parliament by PDL lawyers, doctors and notaries against the liberalization of the Orders

A new obstacle for the government towards the approval of the budget. In fact, a collection of signatures has begun within the PDL to protest against the rule which abolishes the orders and state exams for accessing the professions. According to the law introduced by the government, in order to practice the profession of lawyer it will be sufficient to have obtained a degree and completed an internship. "Until the rule that abolishes the professional orders is removed - thunders a lawyer of the PDL - we will never vote for the Budget, even if Tremonti falls". Up to now, the signatures of 44 lawyers, 13 doctors and a notary have been collected and delivered to Fabrizio Cicchitto, group leader in the Chamber. Ignazio La Russa also spoke on the matter. “As a lawyer, I believe it is a rule that deserves further study. It doesn't seem to me a matter to be included in a decree. I believe that the lawyers' proposal – he concluded – is not at all unreasonable ”.
