
Refreshments, folders, layoffs: the dossiers suspended with the crisis

The new Ristori decree and the postponement of folders could be launched next week, but the contrasts in the majority risk creating many problems

Refreshments, folders, layoffs: the dossiers suspended with the crisis

While the political crisis is raging, two crucial measures for the stability of the Italian economic system remain pending. It's about the new Ristori decree – which is worth 32 billion: a figure higher than that of a normal finance company – and new postponement for notifications of tax bills and foreclosures. After the resignation of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, the government remains in office to deal only with current affairs, a category which includes the emergency measures linked to the pandemic. Informally, executive sources have in fact confirmed that the two interventions will be launched next week, perhaps in a single package.

However, the situation remains complicated, because, if there is still no majority at the beginning of February, the ministers could not be able to find an agreement on the destination and on the distribution mechanisms of the 32 billion. After all, the agreement was already difficult before the split: on refreshments for VAT numbers for the losses suffered during the second wave of infections, for example, some members of the government wanted to take revenues as a reference point, others profits.

As for folders to notify, those accumulated in 50 are 2020 million and at the beginning it was thought to dispose of them by sending at least 4 million a month (in addition to the new ones, obviously). Subsequently, however, the fear of fomenting social anger and creating gatherings at the post office led the government to buy time, launching a mini-extension until Monday February XNUMXst. A new decree is therefore needed for a further postponement of the terms.

In this regard, "while waiting for a new majority to take shape following an incomprehensible crisis, it is urgent to proceed now with the postponement of the tax bills – the M5S deputies of the Finance commission declare in a joint note – It is unthinkable to unload 50 million documents on businesses and taxpayers all at once, which would be sent starting next Monday. The economic situation is exceptional and this Government has the possibility, even under ordinary administration, to extend the current suspension by at least one month. It will then be the task of the next majority to define a new Scrapping and the Balance and excerpt, so as to lighten the load accumulated in the meantime".

Not only that: the political crisis risks slowing down the green light for other decisive measures, such as the extension of the freeze on layoffs (it is estimated that there are 200 jobs at risk) e the extension of layoffs. On the second point, the Pd – as explained by the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri – points to a selective solution, while the 5 Star Movement pushes for a general postponement.
