
Savings, positive inflows in January thanks to the post office effect

According to the monthly map of Assogestioni, the January result is positive for 55,3 million euros, but 53 billion of these are attributable to an extraordinary operation within the Poste Italiane group

Savings, positive inflows in January thanks to the post office effect

2019 starts on positive ground for the Italian asset management industry. According to the latest monthly map by Assogestioni, published on Friday morning, in January the inflows were positive for 55,3 million euro.

Of this sum, however, about 53 billion are linked to an extraordinary operation within the Poste Italiane group, which has mandated the group asset management company to manage BancoPosta's assets.

Net of this transaction, the balance for the first month of the year remains positive by over two billion, an improvement on the decrease from 1,55 billion recorded in December.

In detail, in January the performance of the open funds (+600 million euros, from -1,56 billion in December), while that of closed-end funds it worsened significantly, although remaining in expansion territory (+92 million, against +720 million in the previous month).

They raise their heads both collective management (+692 million, from -843 million) and those of portfolio, with the retail to +2,1 billion (from -523 million) ei institutional mandates, beneficiaries of the Poste effect, to +52,5 billion (from -182 million).

Overall, Italian asset management assets reached 2.106,5 billion, against 2.016,7 at the end of 2018.

Among the funds there is a collapse for the bonds (which in the monthly comparison go from +147 million to -1,44 billion), while the contraction of flexible it went from -1,41 to -1,46 billion. Positive flows, even if only slightly, for the equity (from -562 million to +26 million), while the balanced, after the balance of +2 million in December, go to +187 million.

The protagonists of the month are the funds monetary, which recorded positive net inflows of 3,35 billion, a marked improvement from the +273 million in December.

As regards the main managers, Assogestioni informs that in January the group Generali recorded positive net inflows of 3,4 billion euro, with assets under management of 478,7 billion (23,4% of the total). Generali, moreover, specify that the collection figure is "mainly due to intercompany transactions".

The group Intesa Sanpaolo marks a balance of -1,5 billion, with assets of almost 390 billion (19%), while Amundi it recorded outflows of -4,54 billion (-6 billion from institutional mandates), with assets under management of 186,5 billion (9,1%). Anima Holding closed January with a deposit balance of +68,8 million and assets under management of 176,1 billion (8,6% of the total). In the end, the Post Office +59,6 billion, attributable entirely to institutional management (open-ended funds -38 million), with assets close to 80 billion (3,9%).
