
Renewables: a new wind farm is born in Piombino

An 18 million euro project by Web Windenergie. When fully operational, the Tuscan municipality will collect royalties from the energy produced. In the background the redevelopment of the site of national interest in the former Lucchini area.

Renewables: a new wind farm is born in Piombino

The power of Italian wind energy will grow further in 2019. The companies want to keep up with the European objectives for 2020. The year in which Italy should have installed 12.680 million watts, of which 12.000 on-shore and 680 off-shore. Among the Regions sensitive to the objectives, Tuscany has come forward to increase its potential. Within the first half of 2019, the "Foce di Cornia" plant will have a function. Work has just started on behalf of the Austrian group Web Windenergie. Su an area di two chmeters si they will place six wind turbines with blades very large of 120 meters in diameter e old 180. When everything is up to speed, they will produce energy for a vast civil and industrial area. Everything is close to the quagliodromo, a SIN area of ​​national interest, a few steps from the coast and a beach very dear to the Tuscans.  

The energy from the wind will be very useful at the Aferpi plant, formerly the Lucchini factory. But since no infrastructure is born without controversy and political struggles, the new plants have been contested for their environmental impacts. In addition to the usual diasporas of political alignments. Those in the League, for example, say they are in favor of wind power, but only if it is done on the open sea or in the mountains. They also fear that the money spent will only give jobs to those who build the plants. The fact is that here, once the approximately 18 million euro project has been completed, the Austrian company will pay the Municipality of Piombino 2 percent a year of the money that will derive from the production of energy. In a nutshell 100 thousand euros.  

Bad controversy does not move the Wind energy is strong di 3600 members and the will of do investments in clean energyhe feels safe from opposition and vetoes Of every kindHe has full confidence in the success of the project. The director Andrea Tisot rejects any criticism claiming the authorizations issued over the years for the construction of the six new towers. A policy of 300 euros has been opened for any damage, especially related to noise, caused by the operation of the rotors of the wind turbines. The Municipality of Piombino, in turn, will use the royalties for environmental improvement measures and to lighten the impacts attributable to the new energy park. 

Among the locals, some more, some less continue to want the reclamation of the site of national interest in the former Lucchini area. The new wind farm is seen as an opportunity to re-discuss and re-plan the development of the whole of Piombino. The desire to close with an industrial past and a historical page of Italy's reconstruction is kept alive by dozens of periodic initiatives. To this end, the recent initiative by Legambiente towards the President of the Region Enrico Rossi as Commissioner for reclamation must also be read, in order to have certain times and coordination between the institutions to start the removal of the waste camped on the site. Apparently it has little to do with wind power. But these are still investments and future scenarios.
