
Senate reform, split in the Democratic Party: and the M5S winks at Chiti's proposal

For now, the possible impasse on the Berlusconi front has been archived, for Renzi the troubles now come from the Pd itself: Vannino Chiti, senator of the Pd, presents a bill in which the Senate would return to being elective despite the request of the party secretariat to withdraw it- The attempt could find support from the 5 Star Movement.

Senate reform, split in the Democratic Party: and the M5S winks at Chiti's proposal

From friends look at me God I look at myself from enemies. The external front having been temporarily archived, with the truce between Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Renzi (despite Brunetta's return to the attack), the constitutional reform of the Senate sees an internal front within the Democratic Party deepen. Vannino Chiti, senator of the Democratic Party presents a bill in which the Senate would return to being elective (unlike the government bill) and the Renzian majority must immediately intervene, to stop an attempt that could also find the side of the 5-star Movement , who would have said he was in favor of voting for Chiti's text.

“I totally agree with the appeal launched in the assembly by Pd senator Nicola Latorre to invite Chiti and the other signatories to withdraw their proposal for constitutional reform. We officially invite them to make amendments to the government text” said Senator Andrea Marcucci (very close to Prime Minister Renzi) as he left the meeting. For the government, however, it is a race against time: the presidential office of the Constitutional Affairs Commission, scheduled for early afternoon, has been postponed. According to some exponents of the 5 Star Movement, who wink at the Chiti proposal, there is also talk of "problems of constitutionality of the provision that would be for Colle's attention".
