
Senate reform: today the halfway point in the Chamber

Today I vote on the definitive text, two more votes will follow but they will be sight unseen. Renzi: "The referendum in October" and in the event of a rejection "I'll be ready to draw the consequences" - Other priorities in January include the approval of laws such as the procurement code or the presentation of Rome's candidacy for the 2024

Senate reform: today the halfway point in the Chamber

Today the House votes once again the Boschi bill for constitutional reforms, including the revolution of the Senate to overcome the perfect bicameralism. It's about the fourth vote so far and it won't be the last: there will be two more, in the Senate and then again in Montecitorio. Today, however, is the decisive passage in which the reform package is formally closed: the following and last will be, in essence, sight unseen, in order to respect the foreseen times.

The process of the provision, in any case, will only end next autumn, when the Italians will be called to decide whether or not to reject the changes to the Charter. “In October there will reasonably be the final referendum – he announced yesterday Matteo Renzi in the first e-news to members of the Democratic Party of 2016 -, it will simply be the Italians and no one else who will decide whether our project is good or not". 

In an interview with Tg1, the Premier claimed he was not "an old politician attached to his seat", adding that he will draw "the consequences" in case of rejection of the referendum. The consultation, on the other hand, “is not a plebiscite: for years the political class did nothing, now a new government has tried to do some things. If citizens disagree on constitutional reforms, which are the mother of all battles, they have the right to say so”.

The Boschi bill is the first of the 10 January priorities indicated by Renzi, "about which you read little or nothing in the traditional media", adds the Prime Minister controversially in the e-news.

Other priorities include the passage of some laws such as the procurement code or the submission of the application of Rome for the 2024 Olympics. However, there are no civil unions, from the 26th in the Senate Chamber. The Premier no longer mentions not even to the decriminalization of the crime of clandestinity. On the agenda of the leadership of the Democratic Party on 22 January, instead, there are the administrative ones and an initiative on political training aimed at 300 young people. In the e-news Renzi also announced "a couple of very important projects that some global economic players intend to carry out in Italy" because "the best is yet to come".
