
Land reform in Taiwan

State expropriations will be fairer and grabbing land for speculative purposes will be more difficult

Land reform in Taiwan

Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou has promised land reform that will lead to a more equitable government land acquisition program and fight speculation in the real estate market. Today, state procurement is based on government-set prices and is usually much lower than market prices. Ma Ying-jeou has promised to revise the current laws to allow landowners to receive compensation in line with the market. However, the reform will also include special clauses that prevent investors from hoarding land. After re-establishing a levy on vacant lots in recent months, the president is now asking local governments to identify all taxable idle land to prevent speculative real estate transactions. Thus the moralizing campaign of the Taiwan executive continues, which at the beginning of the year activated a 'luxury tax' on real estate transactions that change hands in very short periods of time.
