
Reform of the Senate, the Berlusconi-Renzi agreement is one step away

After the tactical opening to the Pd of M5S, Berlusconi rediscovers the spirit of collaboration on reforms and renounces presidentialism - In exchange, Renzi is ready to give something up on the composition of the new Assembly (fewer mayors, more regional councilors) and on the functions to be attributed to it .

Reform of the Senate, the Berlusconi-Renzi agreement is one step away

The agreement on the new Senate is now one step away. After having reaffirmed his identity by proposing the direct election of the Head of State, immediately rejected by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi as "inopportune and untimely", Silvio Berlusconi once again cements the pact of the Nazarene: "We have made a commitment on Title V, Italicum and Senate – said the former Cavaliere – and we will respect it even without presidentialism”. A newfound understanding also celebrated by the Prime Minister with phrases such as "everyone gives up something" and the good old "either you eat this soup or you jump out the window". after all, compromise, that is to say the identification of a meeting point between initially opposing positions, has always been and is the salt of politics.

In exchange for saying goodbye to presidential ambitions, Renzi is ready to give something up on the composition of the new Assembly in Palazzo Madama. The original plan called for one third mayors and two thirds regional councilors, but Forza Italia managed to impose a different cocktail: roughly one quarter mayors (one for each region) and three quarters regional representatives. 
But the compromises can also be others. The Premier is oriented towards meeting the opposition's demands also on the side of the functions to be attributed to the new upper house, practically eliminated in the initial project. While continuing to be unable to vote confidence in the Government, Palazzo Madama will have powers over regional and European legislation, the election of the President of the Republic, the CSM and constitutional judges, as well as electoral laws and those revising the Charter. After these changes, the final agreement now seems close to being official, to the point that even according to Lega's Roberto Calderoli, the match could be closed by July.

Forza Italia's newfound spirit of collaboration has certainly had an impact on the opening up of reforms arrived in recent days by the 5 Star Movement: a tactical move conceived by Grillo for internal reasons, but which made Berlusconi fear the possibility of an alternative majority , from which he would have been excluded. 

Meanwhile, yesterday the grillini celebrated the formation of the new Eurosceptic group in the EU Parliament together with Nigel Farage's UKIP. It is called Efd and includes seven parties, for a total of 48 deputies, of which 24 are British, 17 Italian from M5S and then Lithuanian, French, Swedish, Czech and Latvian. "So much for those who said we wouldn't make it," commented Luigi Di Maio, grillino and vice president of the Chamber. Of course, for a movement that wanted to bypass the Democratic Party on the left by presenting itself as an anti-system force, it is an acrobatic leap to say the least.
