
Labor reform, Cnel: the government must do more

Antonio Marzano, president of the National Council of Economy and Labour, heard today in the Senate Labor Commission, placed particular emphasis on women's work: "Limited and insufficient measures".

Labor reform, Cnel: the government must do more

The labor reform must be improved with "urgent and priority measures that increase its effectiveness". This is the opinion expressed today by Anthony Marzano, president of the National Economic and Labor Council, during a hearing before the Senate Labor Commission.

"From the available data - he added - major criticalities emerge which, in fact, prevent the full inclusion of young people in the market and in society". 

In particular, the interventions proposed so far "seem largely positive", but there are still "some gaps in the overall system".

As regards women's work, for example, the measures are "limited and insufficient", according to the president of Cnel.

Furthermore, there is not "sufficient space for the recognition of the weight of the role of women in the family, nor for the incentives for an effective greater presence of women on the market which can only increase in the presence of a real recovery of private and public investments in welfare".
