
Reform of the condominium: news on pets, heating, administrator and annoying neighbors

From today no condominium assembly will be able to prohibit the possession of pets - As for heating, the more individualistic will be able to abandon the centralized system without having to wait for the consent of the condominiums - The administrator will not have to have pending convictions for crimes against the public administration .

Reform of the condominium: news on pets, heating, administrator and annoying neighbors

Free animals, semi-anarchic heating and sting on annoying neighbors. These are the main innovations introduced with the condominium reform, definitively approved yesterday by the Senate Justice Commission after the green light in the Chamber.


The provision that has aroused the most interest in public opinion is undoubtedly the one that liberalizes the presence of non-humans. Basically, from today no condominium assembly will be able to prohibit the possession of animals. Of course we are talking about domestic species (dogs, cats, parrots…). 


As for heating, the more individualistic will be able to leave the centralized system without having to wait for approval from the assembly. But on two conditions: don't create problems for others and continue to pay for the extraordinary maintenance of the condominium system.


On the other hand, no mercy for anyone who disturbs or damages the condominium in any way. The assembly will perhaps have less powers than in the past, on the other hand the condominium regulation will become a much more powerful tool. Anyone who goes wrong will pay a fine of 200 euros, which will rise to 800 in the event of a repeat offense. The increase is incalculable in percentage terms, considering that up to now the fine envisaged was 0,052 euro (equal to the old 100 lire).


Now we come to the more technical innovations. The new administrator will remain in office for two years, must have "requisites of training and integrity" and above all must not have any pending conviction for crimes against the public administration. In order to hold the position, at least the high school diploma will be mandatory, it will be necessary to have attended "a special course".

At the request of the shareholders' meeting, the director will also be required to take out a special insurance policy to protect against the risks deriving from his or her work. But that's not all: he can be fired before the end of his mandate if he has committed serious tax irregularities or has not opened or used the condominium current account and will have to indicate how much he is asking for as compensation at the time of appointment. 
