
Reconstruction of Emilia-Romagna: the EU releases the funds but for Italy the emergencies never end

Italy authorized by the European Commission to spend around 95 million euros for reconstruction. IN twenty years a third of the total resources were committed

Reconstruction of Emilia-Romagna: the EU releases the funds but for Italy the emergencies never end

Speed: this is the watchword currently circulating in Emilia-Romagna. The European Commission has 94,7 million euros released to rebuild the economic and social fabric after last May's flood.

Technically the Italian government has been authorized to withdraw resources from the European Solidarity Fund for emergencies and spend them in the affected provinces. Green light, therefore, for works to restore infrastructure, emergency services, schools and cultural venues.

In July, Italy had asked Brussels for authorization to use a portion of the Fund, in particular under the pressure of mayors and businesses. They have advanced the sums necessary to face the summer season and are waiting to start again fully.

The overall damage of the disaster has not yet been quantified, but we "will help overcome the material losses and give citizens renewed hope for the future", said the European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira. `

Italy at the top of the resources to repair the damage

The Italian government will still have to communicate the balance of the damages to allow the Commission to manage the Fund with greater planning. For climate emergencies there is little that can be programmed, but events like that of Emilia Romagna have repercussions on the effectiveness of the tools for disasters. 2023 was the most erratic year in terms of atmospheric changes and in-depth studies on the instruments we have must be done.

Precisely on the sidelines of the authorization of 94 million euros in favor of Italy, the proposal to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to review the financial structure of the Fund is taking shape 

“Climate change is increasing the frequency and impact of natural disasters,” Ferreira recalled. European assistance is needed now more than ever to alleviate the social, economic and environmental costs caused by these recurring events. Today the availability is only 500 million euros per year. An inadequate figure in a troubled and precarious context

From 2002 to today the Union has granted reconstruction funding for 8,2 billion eurosor. Only Italy has taken a third of it (more than 3 billion) to fix roads, energy networks, hospitals and schools. The fragilities from North to South with little prevention and little interest from the institutions weigh on the budget of the entire EU.

More money, but also more prevention

There are objective conditions to secure the country. Where we are ? Two ministers of Giorgia Meloni for months they have promised the Piano climate. Today no one knows where he is. As for visits to the places of tragedies, it's better not to say. Ministers and undersecretaries are the first to arrive and the last to resolve. Just a week ago a land law was announced (!).

The 2023 European funds for floods and landslides are shared by Italy with Romania which has had other losses. The proposal that will be submitted to the European Parliament provides for iRaising the Fund to 1 billion deuros per year.

It would be preferable to have a minimum allocation, let's say a symbolic 10 euros, as a refraction of missed climate emergencies. But is not so. And before asking for help in Brussels we need to do something at home. Many other emergencies will arrive.
