
Reopening, schools and outdoor restaurants from 26 April

From Monday 26 April the yellow zones are back: all schools reopen in presence (from May also those in the red zone) and restaurants even in the evening if in outdoor spaces. In May it's up to the swimming pools, in June to the gyms. Draghi: "Calculated risk, but we respect the rules"

Reopening, schools and outdoor restaurants from 26 April

From Monday 26 April, symbolically the day after the Liberation Day (and also the day of the Supermoon visible in Italy), the yellow areas return throughout Italy. Suspended for several weeks to contain the infection, at the end of the month, a large part of Italy will therefore be able to reopen: already today, several Regions are returning to the orange zone and many have potentially yellow zone data in two weeks. The announcement was made at a press conference in Palazza Chigi by Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Health Minister Roberto Speranza: “The Government is taking a risk by allowing some reopenings already at the end of the month, but it is a weighted risk. The data is improving and allows us to, but this does not mean letting our guard down: we need the maximum discipline on masks and distancing. We must continue to strictly respect the rules,” said the premier.

One of the priorities was the school, which will therefore reopen completely in presence in the yellow and orange areas, i.e. presumably in almost the whole country. In the red areas, the mixed mode already adopted in this school year will continue. Still on the school, it was also decided that the school ballots could be brought forward to June XNUMXst. Greater flexibility was requested by the schools themselves, in order not to burden themselves with further administrative tasks in view of the state exams and prepare the ground for the so-called summer catch-ups. Then there are the bars and restaurants, which will be able to reopen at least for lunch, but taking advantage of the summer and the outdoor tables they will also be able to do so in the evening, with the consequent shifting of the curfew (which, however, is not currently foreseen). The gyms could instead reopen from June 1, while beaches and pools as early as May 15th. From 26 April theatres, cinemas and shows they should go back to being allowed outdoors, and with capacity limits indoors as well.

A further turning point will take place on May 3 or 100: all schools of all levels will reopen at 17%, even in the red area, and cinemas and theaters will also become accessible to the public again. A second step for reopening could be set for May 26, allowing for mobility between the Regions. In the meantime, with the return of the yellow zone already on April XNUMX, they will be in the meantime movement between yellow regions is allowed again and among the orange ones with the relative authorizations. The news, added Draghi, could be definitive, thanks to vaccination: “Going back with the bans seems to me a very remote possibility, thanks to the vaccination campaign that is immunizing a growing portion of the population.

During the press conference, the premier also specified some details on the major works plan: 57 extraordinary commissioners for 57 construction sites, with a maxi public investment of 66 billion euros.
