Il Third Pole is it still in the game? Enrico Costa e Luigi Marattin, key figures of Action and IV, have launched an appeal to their parties to abandon internal rivalries and unite to create a great Liberal Democratic Party and reformer. This initiative, which aims to break the barriers of bipolar disorder dominant, was motivated by the “disappointing result of the European elections”, attributed to the fragmentation of the political area that in the past promised unity and coherence.
It is a new attempt to build a credible alternative after previous failures, including the fleeting but stormy efforts of the leaders of Action and Italia Viva – Carlo Calenda e Matteo Renzi – in an attempt to federate their parties under the aegis of the Third Pole in the September 2022 elections. Despite a promising start, coexistence between the different political factions has proven unworkable, triggering controversies over the splits of parliamentary groups and mutual accusations on issues financial and personal. The breaking point came with the 2024 European elections, where the failure to overcome the threshold highlighted the fragility of the divided centrists. From this self-reflection now comes the decisive appeal of Costa and Marattin: to unite the forces of the centrist area to challenge the consolidated bipolarism and propose a new bold vision for the future of the country.
Costa and Marattin's letter to Azione and Italia Viva
In them letter, accompanied by a collection of signatures, the two deputies - also known as "irreducible members of the Third Pole" - harshly criticize the lack of continuity in the Italian political landscape after the 2022 political elections, highlighting how the unitary political project that had received consensus has vanished in a few months. This has left many voters disappointed and without a clear political representation that reflects their hopes for a concrete alternative to the traditional left and right alignments.
“We cannot allow a significant piece of our country to remain without political representation”, declare Costa and Marattin in their letter, highlighting the urgent need for a new political force capable of offering a real alternative to bipolarism which, in their opinion, has dominated for too long.
In contrast to the politics of "pre-packaged alliances" and "personalisms", the two deputies emphasize the centrality of a shared commitment to clear and transparent values, combined with competent leadership and an effective organizational structure throughout the national territory. This new party is not only aimed at the current parties of the centrist area, but aspires to involve all the political and associative realities that believe in overcoming existing divisions and in building a more inclusive and dynamic future for Italy. This movement does not only aim to be a sum of past parties or recent political personalities, but wants to embody a new political subjectivity that can reinvigorate the interest and political participation of Italian citizens.
“This initiative can no longer be postponed,” Costa and Marattin state firmly. It's time to start a political movement that is not just the sum of its parts, but one that represents a truth force for change capable of reinvigorating political enthusiasm and giving voice to millions of citizens who have expressed their disillusionment throughabstentionism.
At a time when Italian politics seems divided between tradition and change, Costa and Marattin propose one third way. It remains to be seen whether they will be able to transform this appeal into a tangible political reality, capable of restoring voter confidence and shaping the country's future in a significant and lasting way.