
Single Network Tim-Open fiber, Bernabè's solution

The former CEO of Telecom rejects the single network: it is too late and in any case the two networks cannot technically be integrated – There would then be Antitrust problems and Tim would risk ending up in crisis. Here is his proposal

Single Network Tim-Open fiber, Bernabè's solution

Merge the infrastructure of Tim e Open Fiber to create one single network in Italy? It can not be done. Not anymore, at least: it's too late. He supports it Franco Bernabe, CEO of Telecom Italia several times and today president of Cellnex, a telecommunications company active in the tower business.

The first problem is that, even by integrating the infrastructures of Tim and Of, "it would not be possible to have a single network - explains Bernabè in an interview with Sole 24 Ore - because there are others in Italy".

There would also be problems of balance on the market: “An aggregation by Telecom would certainly raise reactions from competitors – continues the manager – who would turn to the EU Antitrust".

Then, explains Bernabè, “it must be kept in mind that in all countries, except in Italy, there are at least two networks with national coverage: the telecommunications network and the cable TV network which also supplies broadband”.

Finally, “by taking the network away from Telecom, the Government would find itself having to manage the crisis of a group like Telecom – underlines the former CEO of the group – Therefore, if we consider the multiplicity of problems at stake, the solution of the single network risks aggravating them rather than solving them”.

Bernabè also points out that, “even if they were under the same ownership, the two infrastructures would be destined to remain separate, because they are both complete, from the backbone onwards, but made with different types and architectures. They are therefore not integrable: the lines that reach the houses start from different access points”.

According to Bernabe, the only solutionand it would be that "CDP sold its stake in Open Fiber and with the proceeds promoted the recapitalization of Telecom, which also urgently needs it to support investments. Otherwise Telecom will hardly be able to guarantee the transition from copper to fiber in the times and ways suitable to satisfy Kkr. Both Telecom and Open Fiber would keep their own network, but could create a common company to cover the gray areas”, where no one currently operates.
