
Business Network: cut Irap and wedge to grow

A programmatic document from the major trade and handicraft associations for the next government – ​​Businesses are asking for various measures on the fiscal front: reduction of Irap; review of the criterion used for the corporate income of Irpef subjects; neutral taxation with respect to the legal form of the company.

Business Network: cut Irap and wedge to grow

Tax, credit and work. These are the fundamental points of the document developed by Rete Imprese Italia for the next government. An agenda prepared by the major trade and craft associations: Confcommercio, Confesercenti, Confartigianato, Cna and Casartigiani. The ultimate goal is tax cuts, to be compensated for with a reduction in public spending through a new spending review, which, however, excludes linear cuts.

In the first place, the Business Network is asking to avoid the VAT increase which will take effect from July XNUMXst and to allocate the resources for the fight against tax evasion to reduce the tax and wage wedge. Furthermore, artisans and traders are asking for other measures on the fiscal front: reduction of IRAP; review of the criterion used for the corporate income of Irpef subjects; neutral taxation with respect to the legal form of the company; exclusion from the Imu of buildings instrumental to the business activity; review of the compulsory collection system, expanding and standardizing the installment period; redefinition of Tares, structuring a new system that best represents the real production of waste.

Another fundamental chapter is that of credit. Businesses, the document reads, "have increasingly difficult access to credit and less and less ability to meet their financial needs". It is therefore necessary to promote the capital solidity of the Confidi and facilitate recourse to the Guarantee Fund for SMEs.

Rete Imprese also requests that the agreements regarding the certification and disinvestment of companies' receivables from the Public Administration be fully operational, modernizing the payment system and fully implementing the new law on payment times. Furthermore, the association points out, it is necessary "to carry forward the processes of regulatory simplification and bureaucratic streamlining".

As for the issue of the labor market, "the recent penalties introduced on entry flexibility risk producing further reductions in employment opportunities".

It should then be allowed "to use all contractual forms", also rethinking "the fight against undeclared work". Finally, according to Rete Imprese we should try to simplify the launch of the new apprenticeship and to ensure the refinancing of the social safety nets in derogation for the whole of 2013.
