
Renzi: “Very positive vote. Let's move forward with even greater determination”

“The result of the vote of the Regionals is very positive. Let's move forward with even greater determination in the process of renewing the party and changing the country": this is the first comment on Sunday's elections by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on his return from a flash visit from Afghanistan who adds: "In one we have gone from 6 to 6 to 10 to 2 for us”

“In one year we have gone from 6 out of 6 Regions to a resounding 10 to 2 on the center-right. It's a very positive result”: this is the first comment on Sunday's regional elections by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on his return from a lightning trip to Afghanistan.

Above all, the indication of Renzi's line of march after the vote is important: "Now we are going forward with even greater determination in the process of renewing the party and changing the country".
