
Renzi, tlc – The Cipe has approved the 12 billion ultra-broadband plan: 2,2 billion immediately

SUPERWEB – The Cipe has approved the expected plan for the development of ultra-broadband in Italy as well, which is worth a total of 12 billion, of which 5 are private and 7 are public: this was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who also added: 2,2 billion euros will be available immediately” – The plan must serve to make up for Italy's delays

Renzi, tlc – The Cipe has approved the 12 billion ultra-broadband plan: 2,2 billion immediately

After completing the appointments at the top of Rai, before the holidays, the Government gave the go-ahead for the long-awaited plan for the development of ultra-broadband which must serve to fill Italy's enormous delays in telecommunications and the web.

It was Prime Minister Matteo Renzi himself who announced it, explaining that the plan is worth 12 billion euros, of which 5 will be private and 7 public.

The President also added that the Government is immediately making 2,2 billion euros available for the plan that aims to develop the use of the Internet throughout the country.
