
Renzi: profit tax will drop to 24%

"Germany is at 30% - explained the premier -, France is more or less there, Spain is at 25: we want to go one step below Spain, the goal is 24 per cent".

Renzi: profit tax will drop to 24%

“Today the combined IRES-IRAP brings the tax on profits to more or less 31,4% in Italy, Germany is 30%, France is more or less the same, Spain is 25%: we want to go one step below Spain, the goal is 24 percent“. This was stated by the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, illustrating the measures to reduce the tax burden envisaged for the coming years, which foresee the cut of IRES-IRAP by 2017.

"My very arrogant thesis - Renzi also said - is that we are in the presence of a season of reforms unprecedented in the history of the country: there has never been in the same period a season of reforms as intense and profound as the one currently experiencing Italy today”.
