
Renzi: "Total relief for those who hire in the South"

This was announced by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Caltanissetta, meeting the local Sicilian administrators: "The incentives of the Jobs Act will be fully reconfirmed for the South" - Poletti: "Total tax relief of up to 8.060 euros for 12 months".

Renzi: "Total relief for those who hire in the South"

"Companies that choose to invest in the South have total tax relief for 2017 as in the first year of the Jobs Act": announced Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in Caltanissetta, meeting with local Sicilian administrators. “The incentives of the Jobs Act, only for the South – explains Renzi – will be fully confirmed. Those who do it in Florence or Verona don't, because there we've already returned to 2008 levels (from an employment point of view, ed): those who choose to invest in Caltanissetta, yes”.

To give substance to this rule, “soon Del Conte of Anpal (the president of the National Agency for Active Policies, ed) will sign a very important deed for 730 million euros, which are those of the tax relief for 2017. And ' a very important one
choice we made for 2017″, underlined Renzi. The Minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti, specified that "the total contribution reduction will be up to 8.060 euros for 12 months for entrepreneurs in the southern regions which, in 2017, will hire young people between the ages of 15 and 24 on permanent contracts or in apprenticeships, and unemployed people over the age of 24 who have been unemployed for at least six months".
