
Renzi: Covid procurement scandal worse than Tangentopoli

The leader of Italia Viva suspects that there have been irregularities on the part of the Conte 1 government in the first part of the fight against the pandemic and asks for a parliamentary commission of inquiry to shed full light on the contracts - In the Rome ballot Iv will support Gualtieri

Renzi: Covid procurement scandal worse than Tangentopoli

“There is still much to be explored on Covid procurement. I talked about it in my book Controcorrente a few months ago and no one believed it. Now we are beginning to better understand the outline of the story to which I was referring but it is only the beginning” writes the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, in his weekly Newsletter, who has long asked for the entire management of the first part of the pandemic establishment of a parliamentary commission of inquiry.

Renzi moves from the conviction that on the work of the former premier Giuseppe Conte, of the Extraordinary Commissioner Arcuri, of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza and his staff and of some Regions, it is necessary to turn on the spotlights to understand well how things went and if there were irregularities.

“This affair of the Covid tenders – insists Renzi – is worse than Tangentopoli, you will see”. And he promises battle and not just for the incredible story of the benches with wheels. “I will come back heavily to it – he warns – in the next few days”.

During the national assembly of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi then declared that Roberto Gualtieri's candidacy for mayor will be supported in the Rome ballot.
