
Renzi replies to the magistrates: "Sad controversies"

The number one of the ANM, Rodolfo Sabelli had said that in Italy "the magistrates have been virtually slapped and the corrupt caressed". The premier replied at the inauguration of the Police academic year: “You don't mess around with institutions, there is a sense of belonging that goes beyond controversy. We have increased the penalties for the corrupt”

Renzi replies to the magistrates: "Sad controversies"

"Hearing from authoritative servants of the state that the state slaps the prosecutors and caresses the corrupt is a false, unjust sentence, which does harm not to the current government, but concerns the very idea of ​​the institutions". So the premier Matteo Renzi replied to the controversy opened byNational Association of Magistrates.

“A single fact can be disputed, it is legitimate – continued the Prime Minister speaking this morning at the inauguration of the academic year of the Higher Police School -. But supporting this by having institutional responsibilities or responsibilities on behalf of categories is sad. You don't mess around with institutions, there is a sense of belonging that goes beyond the daily controversy”.

Previously the number one of the ANM, Rodolfo Sabelli, had told Unomattina that "the State should slap the corrupt and caress those who exercise control of legality", while in Italy "the magistrates have been virtually slapped and the corrupt caressed", with reference to a series of interventions legislation that would have favored the corrupt, starting from the era of Tangentopoli, to arrive in 2002 "at the decriminalization of false accounting (on which it arrived yesterday the government amendment to the anti-corruption bill, ed) and in 2005 to the reduction of the statute of limitations". 

In this regard, Renzi added that “the government intends to fight not for a police state but for a state of cleanliness. We have set up the national anti-corruption authority so that contract by contract, house by house, dirt by dirt, we intervene. We have increased the penalties for corruption and we deem it unacceptable that this crime should be prescribed, it harms the dignity of the state".
