
Renzi: "Now the reforms, Italy will be the leader in Europe"

"Italy must lead a path of change in the European institutions" - "No Italy-Germany axis against France" - "Grillini invited to the table of reforms, do not go to Parliament to make a show" - "To investors I say that this is it's time to invest in Italy”.

Renzi: "Now the reforms, Italy will be the leader in Europe"

“There is no longer any room to postpone the reforms: we want to arrive at the appointment of July XNUMXst, when Italy's European presidency semester will begin, with humility and responsibility, but also decision. We have to bring Italy into Europe as a leader, not a follower". This was stated by the premier, Matteo Renzi, in the first press conference after the triumph of the Democratic Party in yesterday's European elections. 

“I invite all of Parliament to tone down and raise ambitions – continued the secretary of the Democratic Party -. The result of tonight tells us that the change must come even faster than we had anticipated. Italy has chosen hope, it wants to change. The fact that more than 40% have expressed a centre-left party for the first time in history tells us that this is Italy's moment, which must lead a path of change in the European institutions, starting from the concept that first we must change ourselves . So we have to get to work immediately."  

The path of reforms “doesn't stop – Renzi underlined – and I say to investors that this is the moment to invest in Italy. The markets had already noticed this at the beginning of the year, then there was a setback in the last 10 days because someone thought Italy had stopped. But that's not the case, Italy is moving forward”. 

The Premier then launched an appeal to the grillini: “I hope that a path of reflection will open up in the 5 stars – said Renzi -. If they continue to use Parliament as the stage for their shows, they will betray the hope of the Italians. If, on the other hand, they want to bring their contribution to the reform table, at which we are convinced together with Forza Italia, they will be listened to. Starting with the electoral reform, which is a major reform to be written together”.

As for the new set-up of international politics, “I don't imagine creating any Italy-Germany axis against France – concluded the Premier -, just as I didn't believe that a France-Germany axis against Italy existed before. It's a delicate matter and we get out of it together. No one will be able to save themselves. We must all invest in the Europe of the future. We are not asking to change the budgetary rules to our advantage, but to change the approach that Europe has had in recent years”. 
