
Renzi: "No new taxes for Airbnb"

The premier intervened on the case of the Airbnb standard, after yesterday among the amendments approved by the House Finance Committee there was also the one that provided for the automatic 21% flat rate coupon for this type of activity and an anti-evasion clause.

Renzi: "No new taxes for Airbnb"

"As long as I am the prime minister, taxes are lowered and not raised". This is how the Prime Minister spoke on social media today Matteo Renzi, alluding to some amendments presented to the maneuver and in particular to that relating to Airbnb, i.e. to a rule approved by the Finance Committee of the Chamber (to be submitted again to the Budget Committee, which at this point should reject it) which provides for the flat coupon at 21% automatic for this type of activity, the establishment of a special register at the Revenue Agency and an anti-avoidance clause, with joint and several liability for the payment of taxes by the private individual and the intermediary.

“No new taxes in the budget law, none. Not even Airbnb”, Renzi pointed out on his social channels (and also on those of the Democratic Party). Yesterday the Montecitorio Finance Commission also approved other innovations, among the most relevant those relating to online touting (after the Coldplay case), the mother and nursery bonus and the car tax.

TOWERS ONLINE – Soon this sort of scalping will no longer be possible: the recently presented amendment to the Budget Law prohibits this practice, defined by Minister Dario Franceschini as an "intolerable" phenomenon, especially after the latest sensational cases such as the one linked to the Coldplay concert. The law provides for fines ranging from 30 to 180 euros for each violation ascertained.

CAR TAX - Among the novelties also appears the anti-evasion for the car tax. The offices of the Department of Transport and the garages authorized to carry out the inspection will have to check that the vehicle owners have always paid property tax and circulation tax on their vehicle, and that it is not subjected to administrative detention. If the check gives a negative result, you will not be able to circulate until you pay.

MOTHER AND NEST BONUS – Finally, an Isee roof arrives for the mother and nursery bonuses, provided for by the maneuver. Two amendments presented by the Democratic Party and approved by the Social Affairs Commission of the Chamber establish that the families that can take advantage of the concessions are only those with an Isee not exceeding 13 thousand euros per year for the mother bonus and not exceeding 25 thousand euros for the nursery bonus. As required by the regulation, however, the proposal will now be further evaluated by the Budget Committee of the Chamber. Still on the family front, the mandatory leave for fathers increases from two to three days. And the deductions for children's sports activities could rise from 210 to 600 euros.
