
Renzi: "No hibernation, the country is back on track"

The premier responds to the Censis and the disappointing data on GDP. On the anti-ISIS bombings he confirms: "I don't chase the bombs of others, we cannot afford a Libya-bis". And on the rescue of the 4 banks: "We will help the bondholders"

Renzi: "No hibernation, the country is back on track"

Italy is not in hibernation and, on the international front, it will not pursue the bombs decided by others on Syria unless there is a clear agreement that protects us from the risk of a Libya-bis. Between interviews and banquets (over two thousand on the street to inaugurate the "Italia courage" campaign of the Democratic Party), the premier returns to the field on the issues of the day. First of all, the response to Censis which spoke of Italy in hibernation and the comment on the disappointing data on GDP released by Istat: “The country is getting back on track. With all due respect to those who say that the country is in hibernation, I see a country that wants to restart, that is alive, strong”, said Renzi after inaugurating the campaign of banquets in Rignano sull'Arno.

“I believe in Italy that gets involved – he added – and wins over pessimism and resignation. Many companies restarted in 2015, now it's a matter of dropping taxes again, finally investing in our citizens, allowing them to look to the future with a little more optimism and courage". And finally Istat: “Some forecasts point to a potential slowdown in the recovery. The events in Paris and the crisis in emerging countries are not two good news. But Italy has everything to go back to being a locomotive. After 3 years of recession we are back. The speed of growth will now depend on domestic consumption and investment”.


“Italy's position is clear. We must annihilate the terrorists – Renzi said in an interview that opens the pages of Corriere della Sera today – not please the commentators. We can afford everything except a Libya bis. If protagonism means playing chasing other people's bombings, no thanks. We have already given”. “Before Daesh and all forms of terrorism we are ready – he continues – also militarily. If there is a clear strategy we will be there. But for this to happen now an agreement in Vienna on Syria and one in Rome on Libya is crucial: we are working on it. It makes less news than a bombing, but it is more useful for eradicating terrorism”, says the prime minister.

“Italy is an impressive military force. We have more troops abroad than anyone else, after the Americans and like the French. I am proud and proud of our military. But precisely because I respect his professionalism - Renzi says again in the interview - I say that war is a dramatically serious thing: you can afford it if you are clear about the aftermath".


On municipal elections and on the vote in Milan and Rome, Renzi distinguishes: the vote on mayors has nothing to do with the government. “It is trivially a matter of seriousness. If you elect a mayor what does the government have to do with it? And in any case, there are 6 months from now to the administrative ones: in the meantime we want to govern ". The Italicum cannot be touched: “Should I change the Italicum? I really think not,” he says. And the banks: after Christmas it's up to those of cooperative credit. “If the government hadn't intervened, these banks would have closed, the employees would have gone home and the account holders would not have saved themselves. I proudly support government action to bail out banks, workers and account holders without using public money. The story of subordinated loans is not easy, but we will try to help these people. But they are not scammed: they have signed regular contracts, mind you. What happened to certain banks is the result of twenty years of questionable choices". This is how the prime minister responded to the controversy raised by the government's rescue of 4 banks. “In the past, governments have decided not to intervene to consolidate the banking system - he added -: I think it was a mistake. Merkel put in 247 billion to save the German credit system (which is still worse than ours today), but those who preceded us at Palazzo Chigi thought of postponing the problems. Now the knots are home to roost. We do not back down from responsibilities. We have settled the popular ones, amidst a thousand controversies. And after Christmas we want to consolidate the cooperative credit banks, making them one of the most solid banking groups on the model of Crédit Agricole".
