
Renzi: "First agreements with the unions". But the CGIL confirms the strike

The Premier after the meeting with the unions on the Jobs Act and the Stability law: "Points of understanding, new summit on 27 October" - Camusso: "CGIL against intervention on article 18, strike on 25 October" - More conciliatory with the Cisl and Uil government – ​​The 80 euro bonus, the severance pay in payroll and the Termini, Terni and Taranto factories were also discussed.

Renzi: "First agreements with the unions". But the CGIL confirms the strike

Matteo Renzi illustrated this morning ai sindacati the Jobs Act and the salient points of the Stability law. The Premier spoke of "surprising points of understanding" with workers' representatives and postponed to a new meeting to be held the 27 October. However, the CGIL does not agree with the moves announced by the Prime Minister and confirms the mobilization at the end of the month. 

Ranzi would also have spoken of an amendment to the Jobs act to regulate union representation. The delegation also provides for the expansion of decentralized and corporate bargaining.

As for theArticle 18 of the Workers' Statute, the government has spoken of excluding reinstatement in the case of dismissals without just cause or justified reason for economic reasons, and of maintaining it only for discriminatory and disciplinary reasons.

The CGIL confirms its "total dissent on the intervention on article 18 and on the demotion of workers - commented the secretary Susanna Camusso –. Like the CGIL we find all the confirmations of the need for the demonstration on 25 October and to continue the mobilisation".

The positions of the other two confederal trade unions are more conciliatory with the Government, rejecting the hypothesis of demonstrating together with the CGIL. "There are also openings on the part of the Government regarding article 18 - said the deputy secretary general of the CISL, Annamaria Furlan – There is the positivity of having scheduled meetings. The fact of having a date on the Stability law and meetings with Poletti on work delegation and implementing decrees can represent a turning point in the relationship between the Government and the social partners".

For the Uil leader, Louis Angeletti, “if we make a political assessment, today, the Prime Minister made a symbolically different choice and one of discontinuity with the previous months. Perhaps we are in the presence of a change in the government's attitude towards the social partners, with the discussion on the Stability law and on work delegation”. 

In his speech to the trade unions, Renzi also touched on three other fundamental points:

- the €80 bonus “it will become structural from next year”; 

– the advance of Severance pay in envelope pay will be introduced only "if it won't be a problem for small and medium-sized enterprises";

– it is urgent “to save the establishments of Termini, Terni and Taranto. These are the three 'T's that we must immediately deal with together”.
