
Renzi and the nomination lottery: political or managerial choice?

There is an air of general change for the weekend appointments to the top management of Eni, Enel, Terna, Finmeccanica and the Post Office – Will it be an exclusively political or managerial choice? In the first case, a counter-current premier like Renzi can only change everything, in the second case, making a bundle of all herbs can be a gamble.

Renzi and the nomination lottery: political or managerial choice?

The imminent public appointments at the top of the large groups are expected for the weekend and certainly represent a test of the first magnitude for the credibility of the Renzi government. The approach of a general turnaround is felt all too well in the air, but the situation still remains very fluid and until there is reasonable certainty about the names of the future leaders of Eni, Enel, Terna, Finmeccanica and Poste, we at FIRSTonline will not enter the public nomination lottery. For a very simple reason: because the reliability of information is an indispensable asset for us and there is nothing worse than forcing the reader to waste time wondering if the news he has just read is true or unfounded.

And, then, when there is no certain information, because there cannot be, it is always better to refrain from useless or instrumental prophecies. Also not to agree with the saying of a wise old president of the Order of French Journalists who, a little sarcastically but not so much, used to say: “Do you know who journalists are? They are professionals who spend half their time not writing about the things they know and the other half writing about things they know nothing about.

Let's be clear: creative imagination is always welcome, provided it doesn't tell fairy tales or chase hoaxes. But, beyond the names of the candidates, there is a question about the nominations that demands an answer. What is the basic criterion that must inspire the appointments of large public groups? Is it a political or managerial criterion? If he is political, there is not the slightest doubt that a general change is needed and that a counter-current premier like Matteo Renzi will not miss the opportunity to demonstrate the courage to wipe out all the top management and radically change them beyond the results achieved and the differences between one and the other. It may be a questionable criterion but it is politically legitimate. Just know.

If, on the contrary, the criterion of appointments is to identify the best possible managers in order to optimize the results - not in the short but in the medium term - of the companies to be entrusted to their management, then the situation changes. It is said that the best managers are not always and only the managers who are in the neighbor's garden. It may also be that someone is already at home and, if this were the case, making a bundle of all the herbs would not be the wisest choice. Before the names, the important thing is to understand the criteria.
