Renzi on the taxman: “No discounts. Berlusconi will serve the entire sentence”

“We change the tax authorities for Italians, not for Berlusconi. Without discounting anyone, not even Berlusconi, who will serve his sentence until the last day. This obsession by both those who love him and those who hate him does not concern me ”. So Matteo Renzi in his Enews.

"I thought it would be more appropriate to get rid of any discussion and also include this decree in the tax reform package of February 20", added the Premier in response to the controversies raised by the opposition and by the Pd minority regarding the controversial law on tax delegation. An article which – excluding the punishment for those who have evaded up to 3% of the declared income – would have effectively canceled the crime for which Silvio Berlusconi was convicted, who could therefore have reapplied immediately. The entire tax measure has been postponed to February 20 and will therefore be dealt with after the election of the new Head of State. 

“Il President of the Republic – continued the Prime Minister -. Who will be? What will he do? But will it be political or technical? Man or woman? Majority or opposition? Legitimate questions bouncing around the Roman rooms. It is now the favorite pastime of professionals. I understand and I do not comment. However, I can say that if Italy has survived a very delicate moment unscathed, much of the credit goes to Giorgio Napolitano. And that before discussing the future, a subdued thanks goes to the current President of the Republic. Who is about to leave the Quirinale after nine years of service to the country for which everyone - without exception - should be grateful to him".

As for theitalicum, concluded Renzi, "enough with the blackmail of small parties": with the new electoral law "the strongest party governs alone. Starting tomorrow we will be in the Senate, in the Chamber. Then the final passage to the Chamber. After years of talking, we're really here." 

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