
Renzi: "Resignation after the manoeuvre" (VIDEO)

The prime minister went to the Quirinale for the second time today with the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, accepting the proposal to remain in the saddle at least until the approval of the 2017 budget law, which should arrive within this week (only the Yes of the Senate).

Renzi: "Resignation after the manoeuvre" (VIDEO)

After a lightning Council of Ministers, which lasted only about twenty minutes, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi went to the Quirinale for the second time to see the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, accepting the proposal to remain in the saddle at least until the approval of the law Budget 2017, which should arrive within this week (only the Yes of the Senate is missing).

"I do it out of a sense of responsibility - said the prime minister, confirming his farewell to his team of ministers - and to avoid the provisional exercise". "We tried and we didn't make it – he said last night, visibly moved, when it was already clear that the No would win by storm – I take all the responsibility for the defeat".

And today he re-proposed on his Facebook profile the video on the thousand days of his government.
