
Renzi: "Berlusconi and Grillo are two sides of the same coin"

According to the Premier, Berlusconi's sentence on Mussolini "is wrong and unacceptable, just as Grillo's sentence on the Holocaust was unacceptable and shameful" "I don't hang myself on the date: if the concern is electoral, let them take an extra week"

Renzi: "Berlusconi and Grillo are two sides of the same coin"

“The sentence as such is wrong and unacceptable, just as Grillo's sentence on the Shoah was unacceptable and shameful. Berlusconi and Grillo are sides of the same coin. They are in the electoral campaign and are not interested in the sentence itself, but in their repercussion ”. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said it yesterday on the Rai broadcast "In 1/2 hour", after the storm unleashed by the ex Cavaliere with the following statement: "The fact of the racial laws was the worst fault of a leader, Mussolini, who in many other ways, however, he had done well”.

Renzi also addressed the issue of public accounts: “Other than blankets – he assured -, for measurements there is a duvet. Padoan has been very rigorous and all the forecasts have been lowered, I am grateful to him. The rigor of the Italian public finances is unmatched, the data will improve in the end, we will have positive surprises, not negative ones".

As for reforms, “I'm not discussing the pit stop – added the premier -, but it's not the first time. The thing I hear from the citizens is 'don't give up and don't get discouraged', as if the attempt to change things were clear, while there is a swamp of quicksand that wants to swallow you”. 

On the continue Berlusconi's attacks, the Prime Minister underlined that the leader of Forza Italia “put a negative stake then recovered it and said: 'They are our reforms'. He has asked to change some things, I believe it is legitimate to listen to Berlusconi, Grillo and anyone who has a say in him. Even the Pd minority that we have heard several times. They are many different worlds and realities and I have great respect”; mediation currently passes through "the bottom line that the councilors identify within themselves which regional councilor goes to the Senate". 

The prime minister still aims to get the go-ahead in the first reading Senate reform by 25 May, but “I won't hang myself on the date – he specified -. A part of the political forces, starting with Berlusconi, maintains that if Renzi brings home the reforms, he enjoys electoral support: if the concern is electoral, let them take an extra seventh. The important thing is that it is done”.

Finally, on the side of European elections, “serious leaders don't care about polls – concluded Renzi -. I don't care how it ends, I think the Democratic Party will get more votes than last time and will be the first party, but I'm not obsessed with that. To those who vote for Grillo I say: fine, but tell them to stop yelling and come and lend a hand to change Italy. I doubt that Grillo is perhaps the most cunning of all, indeed remove the perhaps, and consider all constant spectators of his show. He jokes about the 80 euros which are two tickets for his show, but they can be useful for a mother ”. 
