Renzi: "Bank reform is urgent"

"The reform of the credit system is urgently needed" given what has happened "in the last few hours and months". The premier said, Matteo Renzi, speaking to the Accademia dei Lincei in reference to the open question after the Salva Banche decree.

“Italy needs a healthy and efficient financial system – added the Minister of the Treasury this morning, Pier Carlo Padoan, from the Rome Investment Forum 2015 – to allow companies of all sizes to fully express their economic potential. We can no longer rely solely on the banking sector to respond to all the financial needs of all businesses".

The Prime Minister also recalled the reforms made by his government: "The electoral reform, the reform of the Senate, the Jobs act, the reform of the public administration, of justice, the systematic lowering of taxes and the school reform and of the increasingly urgent credit system as seen in the last few hours and in the last year. They are eight chapters of a process of change in the country which is not an invention of this government but a political priority for twenty years. It is now an ongoing process."

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